Wellness at the Dock Launches #My15Minutes Challenge This Sunday

The events will take place at Waterford Marine Search & Rescue’s base, which is located across from the People’s Park.

Wellness at the Dock is aimed at fostering mental health awareness and embracing self-care. The event, scheduled for World Suicide Prevention Day on Sunday, will kick off the voluntary organisation’s month-long #My15Minutes initiative—a movement that encourages people to dedicate 15 minutes daily to activities that nurture their mental and emotional wellbeing.

#My15Minutes is a campaign that encourages everyone to dedicate just 15 minutes of their daily routine to activities that bring joy.

“It’s about finding time for yourself amidst the hustle and bustle of your professional and personal lives. Whether it’s a hobby, a moment of meditation, a quick workout, or simply spending quality time with loved ones, these 15 minutes can make a world of difference,” says event organiser Mags O’Connor.

Wellness at the Dock will showcase activities and promote ideas for how people can spend their #My15Minutes.

It’s aimed at people of all ages—family units, friend groups and individuals—and will feature activities designed to empower participants with tools for managing their mental health and wellbeing.

The line-up on the day includes talks aimed at managing your mental health with speakers such as Michael Stafford of the Chapter Coach, Sandra Crowley of Waterford Disability Network and Gina Delaney of Mental Health Ireland, who will offer participants insights into managing stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns in their day-to-day lives, equipping them with practical tools to achieve a resilient mindset.

There will be talks from experts in teen mental health—Tammy Darcy of the Shona Project and Leslie Hughes of Laochas Warrior Project—providing parents, guardians, and educators with valuable strategies to support and understand the challenges faced by the younger generation.

There will also be holistic talks from speakers such as Orla Power of Pops Fitness on the impact of nutrition and Michael Cox of MCX Training on confidence building. 

Wellness at the Dock also includes taster sessions of wellness activities, including yoga, Pilates and tai chi. These sessions will provide attendees with an opportunity to experience the physical and mental benefits of these practices firsthand before embarking on the #My15Minutes challenge.

The Microgreen Queen will be on-site to demonstrate for adults and kids the benefits of growing your own healthy produce. The voluntary crew of Waterford Marine Search & Rescue will demonstrate their life saving equipment and offer tours of the base. There will be activities taking place all day on the half hour so people can drop by whenever they are free.