Celebrate Our County and Culture at the Comeragh’s Wild Festival

First up today is Little John Nee performing in Clonea Parish Hall at 8 p.m. His “Small Holes and Potholes” is an evening of eccentric songs and strange stories, combining lyrical comic storytelling with original music and songs played on a variety of intriguing instruments creating magical soundscapes.  

Then throughout the weekend there is a whole host of activities, including Woodland Crafts for children in Crough Wood, wild foraging and forest bathing, a concert at Crottys with various artists performing, sunrise walks, hikes, yoga, a tour of Curraghmore House and Gardens and even surf lessons in Bonmahon.

There’s a sheep shearing/working sheepdog demo in Cooney’s Yard. Music, singing and storytelling will take place at The Getaway to celebrate Irish culture—so bring your instrument and get ready to play and sing. There will be set dancing and a BBQ in Rathgormack and if you haven’t done it before (or even if you have) you can do the spectacular Coumshingaun Loop walk with Muddyboots.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Check out the Comeragh’s Wild Festival website for more. Photos courtesy of Comeragh’s Wild Festival.