Posts tagged: Events Waterford

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

November 17, 2022

Winterval launches this Friday with a Christmas parade, so get yourself and all the family into town to see Santa and his helpers and join in the fun to celebrate the return of Winterval and the launch Ireland’s largest Christmas festival.

Winterval: Ireland’s Biggest Christmas Festival Is Back!

November 15, 2022

‘Tis the Season…and Waterford’s Winterval Festival will be in celebratory mode for each weekend of the 10th annual festival. In addition to the recurring festival programme of events, there is a once-off festive fun event planned for each weekend from November 18th to December 23rd. The festival has a programme packed with 38 events, 25 of those are free of charge. Here’s everything you need to know to get you in the Christmas spirit. Has a New Look!  

November 14, 2022

Just launched today, has gotten a face lift. We’ve been working on the site to improve its navigation and overall look…and we hope you like it. Take a look around and discover what’s on offer. From our Deise Diaries to the Gig Guide to the best places to see and explore in Waterford City and County…find out what’s going on in the Deise.