Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside.
Summer 2020 is here at last and with travel restrictions finally lifted, the world is our oyster! But before you jump in your car and travel far afield, remember to take a look at what we already have on our doorstep.
Waterford has some of the best beaches in the South East, but you already knew that. We have big beaches for long evening walks (Tramore or Woodstown); small beaches where you can easily watch the kids (Councillors Strand, Dunmore) and no shortage of rugged, wild beaches along The Copper Coast Geopark that have been shaped by millions of years of weather and water. Kilmurrin Cove, Bunmahon, and Annestown right up to Ardmore and Dungarvan in West Waterford. We’re pretty spoilt when it comes to beaches.
Moreover, we have sand artists living here – not every county can say that! Sean Corcoran, who lives near Tankardstown, Waterford has created many stunning sand art drawings for us to enjoy. Check out our interview with Sean that we did last year.
Time to pack the bag and off to the beach; we’re pretty sure there’s one for every mood… 🙂
Miles of sandyness
You can’t beat Tramore beach for long walks down the strand, water sports, or climbing the sand dunes if you’re up to it. Woodstown beach is another great, long sandy beach with views onto the estuary. An absolute must when you want to blow off the cobwebs and feel the wind in your hair – we love both. Then you have The Guillamenes which is perfect for a plunge in the deep sea. If you venture further up the coast towards Dungarvan, a walk along Clonea beach is a must. Great place for a swim too.
Rugged beauties
The Copper Coast is scattered with beaches of all kinds but we just love the rugged spots like Kilfarassy, Garrus Strand (bit of a hidden gem), Bonmahon, and Annestown. All are super scenic, and great spots for chilling and admiring the coastline and cliffs. If you do get a chance, pass by Ballydwan Bay (below) which has lots of sea stacks to gaze at as well as access to a small beach. Bear in mind the cliffs at some of these beaches are over 460 million years old…impressive.
Source: coppercoastgeopark.com
Coastal coves
If you prefer smaller enclosed beaches then Portally Cove at the foot of the Dunmore East Cliff Walk is honestly a real find. It’s the kind of place where you feel it’s just you and the sea away from the masses and just so calm there. One of our favourites definitely.
Kilmurrin Cove is another stunning cove that catches our attention. It’s on the way to Bonmahon and sits nestled in between rugged cliffs. Popular with the locals.
Kilmurrin Cove Portally Cove
Guardians of The Copper Coast
We’re lucky to have some of the nicest, wildest beaches on the island of Ireland. Local residents of The Copper Coast have gotten together and started a Facebook group that organises beach cleans and litter pickups on a regular basis. With just a little effort and awareness, it’s a lovely way to do something good as a community while ensuring everyone gets to enjoy what we have when they visit! Keep up the good work guys!
Source: Guardians of The Copper Coast Facebook page
Woodcraft designs you’ll love
Having come through the past few months, the message of support local and shop local is vital for Waterford. We stumbled upon some really nicely designed local products from Tramore-based carpenter, Gary Cowman. Check out his website where you can buy all sorts of hand-crafted wooden products.
Sean Corcoran and Michael Murphy are just two of the group members that got together to look at how they could keep the beaches clean along The Copper Coast.