Imagine Festival: Viking Triangle Tours and Indie Classics—A Full Calendar of Talent on Day 2

The day began as we took a step back in time…while taking steps forward with our guide, archaeologist Dave Pollock, who took us around the Viking Triangle. Next time you’re walking around the city, do the quick walk around the triangle and take in the ancient sites—often hiding in plain sight.

Dave Pollock

Let’s Talk Waterford: Pig Toes and Other Tales

Tony Barry and Dermot Power

Next up was into the Reg for Let’s Talk Waterford: Pigs Toes and Other Tales. It was such an entertaining and informative talk by two of Waterford’s most engaging historians, Tony Barry and Dermot Power. As well as learning about the social history of the times in Waterford back in the day, we learned about the food folks ate. Never wasting a scrap of any part of the pig. How times have changed!

Sound and Portraits

Then it was down to the Waterford Gallery of Art to mingle with an amazing mix of talented artists and performers, who got together to present music and art in Sound & Portraits Open Call Performances.

Waterford Distillery

Hot on the heels of the busy schedule was an evening at Waterford Distillery, where there was a tasting of the delicious new offering from Waterford whisky—their Heritage: Hunter blend (highly recommended for all you whisky lovers out there). As well as indulging in the “water of life”, we were educated by Joe Falvey, who gave us some background history of the distillery. A highlight was the indie music by Harmania Choir—who belted out indie classics from the likes of Lou Reed and the Stone Roses.

Draíocht Phort Láirge

Photo: Trevor McGrath

Finally it was over to Christ Church Cathedral for the indoor premiere of ‘Draíocht Phort Láirge’—a collection of newly composed music to reflect the beauty and topography of the Waterford region.

The collection was beautifully performed by a specially formed fusion orchestra of over 70 young musicians and professional musicians from across Music Generation Waterford programmes, coming together to create an eclectic mix of Irish traditional instruments, classical guitars, wind, brass, electric, acoustic, bass guitars and percussion.

What a day!