Anna Jordan – Modwords
We really enjoyed chatting to Anna Jordan, Founder of Modwords over a cup of coffee at Trade Coffee Bar. Anna divulged her favourite Waterford slang, best advice she’s ever been given and which superpower she would totally love – and rock!
Anna grew up in Waterford but also spent a fair bit of time in Brooklyn, NYC as her Mam is from there. She works in the family pub, Jordans on the quay when she is not organising open mic nights, writing workshops and Modwords events. Queen of multitasking we say!

What is your favourite Waterford slang or phrase?
Oohh….ha, I think they’re all bad words or phrases! The best thing is ‘Well’, especially when you can’t remember people’s names, it’s been a lifesaver. I spent some time in Brooklyn as my mam is from there but they just didn’t understand it. ‘Gallybander’ and ‘shellakybooky’ are another two very Waterford words!
Where do you like to go to relax in Waterford?
I do love The Parlour Vintage Tea Rooms. I’d never really go for a drink on my own – but I’d go there and have a drink on my own. Of course, Sarah Jane would have one with me then and that turns into something else, haha. I love to go upstairs in The Book Centre too when the couches are free. If I want to do some work, then I find The Granary a good space to do so. It’s the type of space where there’s so much going on that it doesn’t matter if you’re there or not. You can kinda just disappear into the background. Nobody cares or notices.
Nina Simone would kick the shit out of Nick Cave
Anna Jordan – Founder Modwords
Name three people you would like to have dinner with – dead or alive.
Well, two definitely being Nina Simone and Nick Cave. Nick Cave always thought he was the same as Nina Simone but I bet if they met, Nina Simone would kick the shit out of Nick Cave – both would be massive into God but from two different places! The last one would have to be one of those Mafia guys, maybe Tony Bennett and just throw them all together and see what happens. Nina Simone would probably just kill them all!
If you were a cup of coffee, what would you taste like and where would you come from?
I’d taste like this one – no sugar or milk, just black.
What are your favourite movies and why?
Big Fish, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, The Prestige and Hugo. I love them because they’re all so magical and special, full of imagination.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Hang out with winners. It took me years to learn it. I was in my early 20’s and was probably drinking way too much. One day I heard Keith Richards on TV when Amy Winehouse was quite bad and he was asked if he had any advice for her. He replied, “Hang around with winners”. And I thought, “Oh, I really must do that”. It takes years to shed yourself of other people.
What would your Superhero power be?
Definitely Invisibility, it would be amazing. The mind-reading thing would drive you mad.
What are your pet peeves?
Selfishness, dickheads, and bad behaviour.
A song you like to dance to when nobody’s watching?
I don’t dance…but I used to love singing a song by The Deers called “There goes my outfit” that was out years ago.
Which three records would you take with you to a desert island?
- ‘Sugar my Bowl’ by Nina Simone
- ‘Dogrel’ by Fontaines DC
- ‘Swordfish Trombone’ by Tom Waits
Think of a gift you would get someone you dislike?
Tickets to go to Slim World. Something really patronising, or teeth whitening strips.
Your most overused phrase?
Fucksake. Jesus Christ! Screaming at my kids – “We’re late”
If you could travel back in time, what era would you go to?
Looking back at all things in history, I wouldn’t have wanted to go back to any of them ‘coz I would have been burnt at the stake. The jazz scene, New Orleans. Happy to be where I am right now.
3 am go-to food?
Pizza, if I had to eat at night but I don’t really.
Is there any specific writer you’d like to collaborate with if you had the chance?
T.S. Elliott; all the old-school writers that I used to love. Shakespeare, if he’s actually a real person and that crazy bitch, Emily Bronte.